Saturday, February 27, 2010

Geography Graded Assignment

Earthquake hits Iran
By Sarah Thong, Secondary 1 Justice

On 21 June 1990, an earthquake shook Northern Iran. The Manjil-Rudbar earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 took place at 12.30 p.m. near the ancient city of Bam, with the Eurasian plate sliding against the Arabian Plate. The earthquake took 30,000 lives and left the same number of people injured. It also destroyed about 100,000 houses and made even more villagers homeless.
About $200,000,000 of repair and healthcare was required. The government has accepted help from other countries such as the United States of America and Spain. The government had been criticized for not accepting help from other countries.

I think that the government ofIran should install machines that detect earthquakes and inform the villagers when an earthquake is going to hit any part of Iran. Besides that, they should use more materials that are less brittle to build houses.



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